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La Maison au Milieu des Collines

HomeConcept BasedLa Maison au Milieu des Collines

La Maison au milieu des collines

A ceramic dish that goes by the Italian name “Fruttiera con sorpresa” then nicknamed “La maison au milieu des collines” by a french blog.

The idea for this object came to me back in 2009 in Shanghai. I sketched it as representation of my homesickness: at the time I was approximately at the antipode of my home between the hills of Imola so I drew it underneath the bowl. Only a year later the sketches were actually developed as a project and given to Giorgio Fusella, who manufactured the plaster mould. A limited series of 100 pieces is now being produced and hand painted by Marco Malavolti. The clay he uses comes from the same hills that surround my home.

The semi-molds and the master shapesmade by Giorgio Fusella

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